Should Parents Know All Of Their Accounts And Passwords Essay

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Should teens have their parents know all of their accounts and passwords? Yes they should because if you make one wrong move online, or send a text message could get you in trouble, or you could have a friend in trouble. Plus heavens knows who could be watching you online like facebook because people can see your face, and, or name online which could cause you harm and look you up. They can do this because of horrible safety settings where they make you put a picture of your face like facebook where they used to let you without, but now you have to!
Parents should censor their teens accounts and passwords because they just post, or do what they wan’t. They don’t give it much thought at all. Cence teens today don’t give what they post much …show more content…

They don’t give it much thought at all. Cence teens today don’t give what they post much thought on the world wide web they usually end up hurting themselves, or hurting the people around them. By either being cyber bullied, or being the cyber bully. Plus some statistics say that more bullying happens online than at school, or other places. Due to how bad some cyber bullying can be some people as in kids have committed suicide. So if parents could censor their kids online activity they could save kids lives and make sure what they post online is a safer one for everyone.
To the parents and kids who don't agree with censoring try being denied to a colledge of your dreams, or the job you, so need. Why yes it’s true colleges and job appliers are looking up your name from your applicant online such as facebook, youtube, and many other talking sites. If they find out that you're not a person they would want they will not will not hire you, or apply you in any way. And if you do get denied you may never know if you got denied from a bad post or picture you posted. ‘’you know the pictures and comments that got you …show more content…

Also if parents are always watching every move the teen makes online could cause trust issues where the teen doesn't think that they can be trusted to make their own decisions. Which then can cause tension between kid and parent. However they are wrong because most teens anyways get into more trouble when not being watched such as bully, tease, or post wrong things that a parent would not approve of. Thats because some teens are not mature enough to handle the world wide web correctly on their own. Plus if they know they're being watched they are ten times more likely to make the correct decision then the wrong one. Which could hurt someone other than yourself when you think it would be

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