Should Human Drivers Be Outlawed In The Future

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Millions of people die due to road accidents every year. These deaths are caused by human error, due to the driver either being distracted or taking unnecessary risks. The only way to ensure that people will be safe on the road is to remove human drivers. Autonomous cars would be the most beneficial route because they are cost-efficient and safe. Human drivers should be outlawed in the future due to distracted, risky driving, thus making autonomous cars more advantageous.
Firstly, drivers prioritize their time and ego over the safety of themselves and others. Risky drivers believe they are untouchable and take risks for fun or to save time. Most risks apply to drivers of all ages, however, there are specific risks that are performed by some young drivers. New drivers often forget to buckle their seat belts before driving a car, thus, making a minor collision a fatal crash. A self-driving car, however, would warn all of its passengers to buckle their seatbelts. The car would not be able to move without all its passengers having their seatbelts on. Another risk that drivers take every day is speeding. Young drivers like to …show more content…

Globally, around 1.25 million people die from road accidents each year. Autonomous cars can prevent accidents by anticipating danger and enabling the brake system to prevent hitting a pedestrian or another car. Waymo’s vehicles have driven 4m miles on public roads; the only accidents they have been involved in while driving autonomously were caused by humans in other vehicles. As long as there are human drivers, mistakes will be made and cars will collide with other cars on the road. In order to take advantage of lower operating costs per mile, most autonomous cars will be electric. Autonomous cars being electric also reduces harmful emissions. These are the reasons why autonomous cars are more beneficial than regular

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