Should Christians ever use violence on behalf of religion?

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In different circumstances using violence on behalf of religion has aided a reformation, or the spreading of the gospel. Other times, millions of people have died due to resistance. Some situations call for violence and others do not. However, there is a failsafe way of determining whether violence should be used on behalf of religion, or not. The English Reformation and the Thirty Years War, along with the incident on St. Bartholomew’s Eve are just a few examples of how Christians used violence on behalf of religion. Originally the English Reformation was purely political. The only reason protestantism advanced was because it was aided by political agenda at that time. However, since the English Reformation had no driving religious force like Calvin, Luther or Zwingli, the people had to step up to show that they cared about their religion. This is one example in which violence should be used to protect your religion. When the government is using your religion for political power, the government can easily throw it away when it feels as if your religion serves no more use to them. Once the government does that, the persecution of your religion (in this case Protestantism) will start again. Right before the English Civil War, King Charles I was persecuting the Puritans. In this situation Charles I did not have a strong military power, so there is a good chance of winning a war if the Puritans decided to revolt. Also, more importantly, since Charles I did not have any firm religious beliefs he would have had a difficult time finding people to fight for him and support his cause. This government versus religion circumstance led to the Puritans coming out on top. Secondly, during the Thirty Years War the reformers revolted ag... ... middle of paper ... ...ous battles exceeded five million people. In conclusion, from the given examples using violence on behalf of religion seems to only work when a religion is fighting a government power. However, if it just so happens that you find yourself in a situation in which a religion is pitted against another, a more peaceful approach would most likely be more beneficial. In that case it would be wiser to attempt to convert someone who is in a higher position so that you have a better chance of converting the entire country. Otherwise, many casualties will be inflicted on your side, and the ending results of all the fighting may not even end in your favor. Works Cited "The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre | Christian History." The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre | Christian History. Web. 14 Mar. 2014. .

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