Should Athletes Use Steroids?

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Keeping PEDs out of professional sports Some people think watching a Major League Baseball game would be cooler with more action, while some people would rather see true talent. There is no room for talent while taking PEDs in professional sports. There is a controversial argument on if athletes should be allowed to take performance enhancing substances (PEDs) in professional sports. Some fans think the games would be more enjoyable, however, others think there will be an unfair playing field with athletes taking PEDs. Besides the fact that steroids would enhance players’ physical appearance, they are actually endangering their health. Nevertheless, athletes should not be able to take PEDs because it will give certain players an unfair advantage, they are endangering their health, and some believe there will be better sportsmanship during games. …show more content…

Their talent should truly be based on how much they have practiced and the amount of effort they put in on their free time. Any player of any sport chooses if they want the risk of getting caught taking them or not. Richard Pound, former president of the Anti Doping Agency, says “The use of PEDs is not accidental; it is planned and deliberate with the sole objective of getting an unfair advantage.” Every athlete that takes steroids knows exactly what they do to the body and what happens to their mindset. Most players believe that they will be much better, be drafted more quickly, and be resigned for longer. Matt Scott, former NFL quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars, stated the use of steroids “is unfair, it is cheating, and there is no place for it in the game.” It is evident that an athlete of a sport believes that steroids are unfair and consider it cheating. Overall, athletes should not be able to take steroids for the fear that it will ruin the talent of the game and ruin the fairness of it

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