Shorter School Hours

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Students have a lot of laborious tasks during their school career. The hours for schools in the United States are only increasing. Why not a change? It could benefit students and the school's financial system and parents or guardians it definitely weighs out the cons. There are pros towards the financial system for shorter hours are the school to save money for necessities and parents and guardians can pay less for child care. Sadly there are some cons such as students could have a reduced attention span, there would be fewer school provided meals, and it will not prepare students for adult professions, but could help students with sleep, extra-curricular activities, and stress.

Shorter school days can bring physical, social and emotional benefits to students. Kids could focus on extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, theater or volunteering. These activities are vital, it teaches students responsibility and teamwork. Additionally, many colleges and universities require in their criteria to have extra-curricular actives. Most students have a considerable amount of homework so that would leave little to no time for extra-curricular activities. Condensed school hours could also grant students a better night's sleep. According to WebMd, students between 6th and 12th grades need 8 to nine hours of sleep. With most students waking at 7AM and sleeping at 9 or 10 P.M, students don’t get a sufficient amount of sleep. Additionally, with …show more content…

First, it could reduce heating and air conditioning for the school budget. Second, the school could pay less for teachers because of the hours being shortened. Childcare on non-school days may be an extra expense for parents and guardians. For instance, a school week may consist of only four days, but students will attend from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. This plan brings about the potential for logistical and financial problems related to child

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