Short Story- Sexual Nature

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Harry, fair hair a little damp, strode purposefully down the long brightly lit road towards Sardi. Orange filters on high street lamps cast strange shadows across elevated lean cheek bones. Cheek bones as lean as the rest of him. He could feel soft drizzle filtering through the shoulders of a thin jacket.

Harry was perplexed, trying to remember something that had been at the edge of remembrance for the last half hour .

‘What‘!? It was a curse of frustration

Dark eyes flicked up and across the road; arms and long legs swung, carrying him towards a night of drinking, dancing. More, he hoped!

A speeding car hurtled past. Through a water filled pothole that had been reflecting the moon until assaulted. The muddy slush spattered brand new hip hugging levis, leaving him glaring with gritted teeth; as close to a privet hedge as he could be without getting wetter.

The cortina, travelling towards the club, disappeared round the bend at the end of the road; and he resumed walking and puzzling as soon as he’d brushed most of the muddy water from his jeans; then he stopped momentarily. He’d touched a light shirt with dirty hands. It left a brown stain, far to visible; and he stared ill temperedly into the night .

‘ Shit‘. He exclaimed, resumed walking, remembered what he’d been trying to recall and hesitated.

‘ Walking through the club door. It’s like arriving home. He said that as well. Tony. Yes. It was Tony’.

And attention could move on. Eyes darted, taking in nothing, only seeing the dimly lit inside of Sardi, filled with dancing men, and a few woman, in a vivid picture in the imagination.

The drab, too familiar surroundings couldn’t hold any attention and certainly not he, already s...

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...sank gratefully into the upholstery, wished he hadn't decided to wear his best suit.

‘God, I've got to be careful. What will they do they if they think I'm gay?' And then began to feel uncomfortable with his own attitude.

He pressed back into the seat, as though to hide, and noticed an exceptionally pretty, small blond girl enter the bar, with a guy, who was tall to her small, dark to her blonde and lean to her curvaceousness. He was dressed in a red shirt hanging over black jeans, had a beard, and very pale face. She shone like a lamp beside him. He watched them covertly.

' They can't be gay' He thought.' They're obviously a couple.' The notion helped him relax, but he breathed out as he saw his girlfriend squeezing her way through the crowds towards him and tore his eyes away from the couple, or really the girl he was, by now, smitten with.

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