Short Story: Inhale

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Prologue Silence. Inhale. Exhale. I breathe in the clean, fresh air, feeling alive, only for the feeling to slowly vanish. All alone, I try to forget everything. My head is heavy, a result of the stressful, heartbreaking scene I had seen only moments ago. I felt like a balloon bursting in mid-air. My heart dropped. My efforts to forget has only brought back the memories, only worse this time. Inhale. Exhale. Lying down on the grass, looking up, everything looks so small. Kind of ironic considering that inside my head were thousands of thoughts booming deafeningly. I can't believe my mom has cancer. I won't. It doesn't make any sense. She's the healthiest person I know. The doctors say there is something wrong with her lungs, but I didn't understand the lengthy explanation they gave my dad and my older brother. I look all around me for fear of what might happen. I pull myself out of my thoughts and into reality. …show more content…

My brother and I woke up late, got ready for school at lightning-fast speed, and walked to our bus stop as my dad left for work. The only care I gave about was what I was going to tell my teacher as an excuse for leaving my homework at school. I was in the middle of class when my name was called on the speakers. I got out of my seat and walked to the office thinking of why I might've been called down. I walked into the office to see my dad and brother sitting down, worried looks clear on their faces. "What's wrong?" I asked, not having a clue as to what was going on. My dad replied his voice shaking, "Honey, your mom is in the

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