Short Biography: Harriet Tubman Pushes Through Epilepsy

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Harriet Tubman Pushes Through Epilepsy “When I had found that I had crossed that line, I checked to see if I was the same person. There was such glory over everything; the sun came like gold through the trees, and I felt like I was in Heaven” (A&E). Harriet Tubman was born and raised as a slave. She went through hardships, beatings, and suffrage every day. Tubman kept going. She stayed strong, even after the accident that changed her life. Harriet’s accident occurred in 1834 at the age of twelve. She witnessed a slave about to be beaten (Nielson 24). The slave then ran out the door attempting escape and the man told her to stop him. Instead, she blocked the door so he could not pass. The slave owner decided to throw a two-pound weight, the slave ducked but Tubman did not. She was hit right in the middle of her forehead and fell to the ground and lay unconscious (McDonough 21). Consequently, after the hit Harriet had many symptoms of Epilepsy (A&E). The first symptom that occurred was major headaches and excessive blinking. Next, she started fainting a lot. Eventually she started having brief seizures (Nielsen 38). The main thing that brought attention to “Mintys” disability was her noticeable symptoms and her personality standpoint. The symptoms …show more content…

She made it her goal to make the world a better place for African Americans (WebMD). She risked her life with every trip on the Underground Railroad for over ten years (A&E). In her later years of life she married a Civil War veteran Nelson Davis in 1869. Sadly, he died of tuberculosis in 1888. Tubman had always needed the funds from the Department of Retired Veterans. When Harriet was finally settled in her nice house in Auburn, New York, former slaves found their way to her doorstep. In no time she was taking care of a group of sick and aging former slaves. That being the case, she was still able to support two schools for former slaves (Nielson

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