Is America Becoming Too Materialistic?

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Are Americans becoming too materialistic? The U.S.A is known for freedom, and expression, and being able to express yourself is only a credit card swipe away. Its happening all around us, in schools, at work and in society. As the U.S.A advances in new technology, our materialism appears to grow as well. “Things” seem to be a source of entertainment, comfort and a way to judge someone’s worth. Is American materialism becoming an epidemic throughout the world? Are we the country that is known for electronics, cheeseburgers and expensive items, instead of freedom? In my opinion, I believe the answer to all of these questions is yes. Although some people may disagree and say America isn’t materialistic and Americans consume normally like any other country - that is really not the case, according to various online articles such as “The Concord Coalition” and “Wikipedia”, America breaks the average consumer record, and spend and annual “$23,631,000,000” on imported toys, which is far higher than any other country. In my opinion, imported toys doesn’t make America materialistic, but spending over “$15 billion” on ads directed towards kids to push them to buy those toys, and more than “$500 billion” a year in general advertisements, does. America’s excessive desire …show more content…

America’s second problem with materialism is that our “things” are becoming a primary source of entertainment and comfort. Bored, and don’t know what to do? Buy games, buy electronics, go have fun buying things on a splurge. “It’s a well known fact that many kids spend more than seven hours a day plugged into some kind of media.”, says Laura Egendorf, editor of Greenhaven Press in New York. Americans rely on “things” they buy to make them feel better and make them happy. America glorifies what we buy in every way possible. Giant birthday parties with gifts, holidays full of presents, gift baskets, and expensive surprises; “things” are becoming too important in our

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