Shinto Influence On Japanese Culture

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Japan had interesting cultures and had different religions. Shinto was Japan's first religion. Shinto which means ¨the way of Kami¨ (Kami means superior being) and it express the love and respect of japanese nature . Kami can be gods, deities, and extraordinary spirits. Shinto came from animistic beliefs. The ancient people used to believe everything in nature had a spirit and when those powerful spirits get moody they cause an event, for example lightning storms or powerful floods. Since Japan has experienced with natural disasters they believe if they're one with nature these causes won´t happen. The japanese are feared to disturb nature by causing kegare (defilement or pollution). Shinto tries to focus on purity, sincerity, and harmony. Shinto stresses on purifying diseases, wounds, and other …show more content…

Shintoists celebrate life and beauty of nature. Later in Korean, Buddhism spread into the Suiko Empire. The Japanese heard about the religion from Korea and they loved Buddha. The Japanese admired his wisdom and rituals and they considered him as a protector.

Buddhism originated from India as a teaching of Buddha the Enlightened One. Buddhism was transported to Japan through China and Korea around the sixth century. Buddhists see life as full of pain and suffering. Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism. He taught his followers that life is an endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. He taught that becoming enlightenment comes through experience not through belief. His followers believe in Bodhisattvas. Bodhisattvas are buddhas who can enter nirvana but, chose to help their followers get to enlightenment. These spirits live in different paradises or ¨different worlds¨. In Buddhism one must follow a moral code, the Eightfold Path. The

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