She's The Man Play Vs Movie

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In this day and age, it’s hard to find entertainment that is suitable for all age groups, whether it be a play or movie. The movie “ She’s The Man “, is a perfect example to this problem, it is a film based off of the play written by Shakespeare : Twelfth Night. Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night play is in fact his most popular comedic piece, though some of the humour is said to go over the heads of younger audiences and can be confusing due to the fact that it is written in shakespearean. “ She’s The Man “ is a modern day movie, filmed in 2006. It follows the plot of Twelfth Night, and even has all of the characters hidden within the movie. Since it was filmed so recently, it still incorporates modern day humour ( staying relevant to our younger viewers ) and is easily relatable to consumers of all ages.

The most obvious reason is the humour aspect of the movie. Everybody likes a good laugh every now and then, and She’s The Man will really do that for you. This movie has countless hilarious scenes, as well as comedic actors portraying them. The comedy in this movie is deemed appropriate for most age groups, and is expressed in different ways, such as funny props, witty lines and amusing music choices. She’s The Man and it’s wicked humour is what brings a contemporary feel to the plot of Twelfth Night, and really makes it …show more content…

This piece is a remake of William Shakespeare's comedic play ; Twelfth Night, as well as the 1985 film, Just One Of The Guys. It uses modern day themes to relate to younger viewers, by doing this, it opens its market to a whole new age group. This film was released in 2006, though still follows the plot of Twelfth Night, expressing interest to more traditional viewers and enjoyers of classics or simpler films. This movie really hits home to almost all age groups for a pleasurable family flick that even grandma can appreciate

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