Comparing Twelfth Night And She's The Man

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The Twelfth Knight inspired a funny movie called She’s the man. She’s the man was filmed in 2002 and directed by Andy Fickman. The main plot line of the movie She’s the man is thought to be derived from The twelfth Night. The movie and the play both have many of the same qualities throughout the plot line and characterization. The play and the movie’s plot lines are very similar due to that they both focus on related topics. “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” (Shakespeare, I.V.3). This excerpt explains that greatness is achievable in many ways. In the movie, Sebastian works very hard to play for the men’s soccer team in Illyria. He does not succeed on making the first team but practices a lot on his own time and gets to play in the game. “Love sought is good, but giv’n unsought is better” (Shakespeare, I. iii. 8). This means love is better without you having to let them know. Although the plot lines …show more content…

Malvolio was a pet tarantula owned by a student who wanted revenge on Sebastian. “Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit”(Shakespeare. I. V.2). This means that being a smart fool is better than being a dumb fool. In the movie the soccer coach of Cornwall did not want the girls playing with the boys even when the girls team could give the guys a run for their money. Viola decided to outsmart the coach and play against him on the Illyria soccer team. “I’ll be revenged on the whole pack of you” (Shakespeare, V. i. 17) .This is the Malvolio’s reminder that he will seek revenge to everyone. The soccer coach of Cornwall did not think the girls were good enough of worthy enough of playing soccer with the boys. He did not realize that the girls were very competitive when it came to playing soccer. When Viola came out and declared that she was not Sebastian everyone was confused and did not know how she was playing in men’s soccer

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