Sherlock Holmes - I am lost without my Boswell. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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Sherlock Holmes - I am lost without my Boswell. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Sherlock Holmes- I am lost without my Boswell.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh in 1859, and had a good

education. He received a tax demand a year after he married which

prompted him to try to earn some extra money. At first he tried to get

short stories published in the cheaper magazines of the time, but with

no success. His big break came when Lippincott's Magazine, in the USA,

offered Doyle an advance to write another Holmes and Watson story. His

success continued, and he was knighted in 1902. He continued writing

until he died in 1930.

The three Sir Arthur Conan Doyle detective stories I have studied are:

'The Speckled Band', 'Scandal in Bohemia', and 'The Copper Beaches'. I

am going to talk about the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and

Dr. Watson. Holmes is the hero of the stories; he is a very clever

detective who is exceptionally particular to detail. His powers of

detection are breathtaking and he loves an intellectual challenge. He

is usually calm and controlled, his behaviour is often eccentric and,

emotionally he comes across as cold, detached and aloof. His romantic

life is never referred to yet his admiration for Watson is clearly

genuine. Despite his faults, he is also honorable and very brave.

Watson is the narrator of the stories. He tells the story but is not

as clever as Holmes, and he often fails to understand the significance

of certain events and often misses what Holmes can see as a clue to

the mystery. He is faithful companion to Holmes. Uncomplicated and

trustworthy, Watson is portrayed as being slow and dimwitted, when

compared to Holmes, a perfect ally to Holmes' acute intellect.

The Speckled Band, is, in my opinion, the best out of these three

stories. It is the most exciting and I think Holmes enjoys the case

because of the intellectual challenge. It involves the Roylott family

who lived at Stoke Moran. Helen Stoner consults Holmes when her sister

dies in suspicious circumstances. At the beginning of this story,

Miss. Stoner comes to see Holmes about the case, and accepts the

Watson is Holmes' sidekick, 'This is my intimate friend and associate,

Dr. Watson, before whom you can speak as freely as before myself.'

This also happens in The Copper Beaches. When Miss. Hunter writes a

letter to Holmes stating that 'I am very anxious to consult you'. From

the start of this particular story you can see that Watson is hard

working, and has a willingness to help Holmes in any way possible.

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