Shel Silverstein: The Light In The Attic

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Silly poems and deep, dark truths are the world of Shel Silverstein. The lights in the attic always seem to be on; however, if one takes a hard look at Silverstein’s work, one must look beyond the lights in the attic to delve through the rest of the house to come up with a whole picture of who Shel Silverstein was. As with most authors, the face put forward in public for consumption rarely matches the behind-the-scenes person who keeps personal secrets away from society. All understand this concept because everyone holds “secrets” close, never to be revealed to the world at large. As one reads Silverstein’s books, his Chicago upbringing becomes apparent. Not only are his poems timeless; his poetry delves into the world of what was important …show more content…

They assumed that he was just to emotionally unstable, they were right and wrong. When Silverstein came out with this book he made a statement saying I’m back and better than before. He used all the built up emotions while grieving his daughter, to work. He used it a inspiration. That’s when Silverstein becomes not so private with his emotions, he bluntly showed the world how angry and sad he really was. Silverstein grieved with the world and the world grieved back. People felt sorrow and some knew how he felt exactly. This just made the readers more engrossed and captured when reading “A light in the Attic”. Readers can feel the sadness through the words and pictures. There is a poem that is about a young kid and everything he touches, turns to jello, seems insistent, but that's not what it seem to be. “I tried to comb my wavy hair (slush). I took a dive into the sea (glush)- would you like to shake hands with me (sklush)”(53)?He wants the jello so swallow him up, he's got nothing left to live for, his family is gone and he can't live a normal life because when he touches you, you turn jello. If you relate this to Silverstein you can tell that he is depressed and confused with life. As for his parenting it reflects back on how he was raised. He doesn't know if there's anything left in the world for Shel Silverstein. It was tragic and so pitiful that God took his …show more content…

He lived life to the fullest and had some ups and some downs. He succeed and he failed but when he failed he learned. There are still secrets that are never to be seen but for now we know that the silly poems and deep dark truths are all true. Silverstein has more than one meaning in his work it just depends on who's reading it to truly understand what it's telling you. Everything that happened in his life affected him in his writing. Him lacking parental guidance affected him because he wanted love and nobody gave it. That’s why he resorted to his writing for care. He knew that if he needed something to count on, it was his writing. All of his achievements and failures affected him. When he failed at something he realized that he's not just gonna get stuff handed to him. He’s gonna have to work for it and get it himself. When he succeeded he learned that when you put in the work you get what you want in return. Him always being alone as a child made him want to be alone as an adult. It affected him because he wanted ninety percent of his personal life in his life not the whole worlds. This made him pull back in his writing, he wasn't writing to his full potential. He didn't want people to know his ocean deep secrets that he has sleepless nights trying to forget about. He writes about what he finds important, therefore even if he

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