Shark Culling Persuasive

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The Great Shark debate – to cull or not to cull, has been at the forefront of the minds of conservationists, as well as the general population for many decades now. The opinions of everyone are divided, according to their personal experiences, and views on what is right and wrong for the environment.
However, the fact is, and statistics prove that over 100 million sharks are killed every year (according to the Sea Shepherd website), all around the world and for what reason? Shark culling and the hunting of sharks as a solution to beach safety has not been well received by the Australian public. Whilst it is very clear that we need a solution to protect our bathers and surfers, the Herald Sun reported that 82 percent of all respondents to their …show more content…

Sharks have also been subjected to medical research, games and competitions, jewellery, souvenirs and cosmetics. We need to take into consideration that sharks play a vital role in the natural world that we live in. it is imperative that we look after these majestic creatures and ensure they remain protected. We need to be aware of the dangers of sharks, swim in protected areas where there are shark nets, and do not swim after dark in the sea (especially not alone) as the sea is the sharks home. Humans should also be wearing wet suits as protection in the ocean. The sea is where they live, they swim freely and they eat – they do not particularly target humans but rather prey on food that is available to them in their habitat.

There are many different options available to us rather than the vicious act of shark killing.
Fishery Scientist are constantly working on ways to protect shark species and reduce shark bite incidences. Others have proposed that sonar waves are placed on nets to try and keep sharks away. Researchers are also collecting data from the sharks that are caught by the fishermen to be in a position to better understand sharks, and how we can live in unity with them. A shark tagging programme to try to better understand shark movements and patterns could also assist instead of culling. Statistics show us that there have been drastic reductions in fatal shark bites since nets have been installed in NSW and Qld.

Competitive fishing and human predators account for the majority of sharks

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