Shark Attack Research Paper

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A young 13-year-old boy was attacked by a shark in Florida, but luckily he is alive and well. A lot of people are out on this Memorial Day weekend enjoying the water, and a shark attack is going to make a few people think twice about heading out into the ocean. People shared the details about this shark attack and how the boy is doing now.

Neptune Beach Police Department shared that the young boy was attacked by a shark, and other swimmers helped pull him out of the water. The boy was bitten on the leg, and police said that his shark bite looked like it was from a shark that was about 5 to 6 feet in size. The boy was taken to the hospital after this shark attack and is in stable condition at this time. A witness shared the details about the shark attack. …show more content…

It is pretty shocking that this all happened just one week after an 11-year-old girl was bitten by a shark in Jacksonville. It's the third attack this month on the First Coast. Shark expert Larry Cahoon shared his thoughts.

"You have a higher chance of getting into a car accident driving to the beach than you do getting attacked by a shark when you get there. The fact is that sharks have millions of contact hours with humans on beaches every year, yet attacks are really rare. Just be

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