Goblin Shark Research Paper

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When people swim in the ocean, whether diving, snorkeling, surfing, or just playing on the beach, the thought of a shark attack is always looming on their minds. The fearful part is that sharks are unseen when approaching its victim. In fact, only about nineteen percent of shark attacks are fatal worldwide. About half of all victims are surfers, and they usually occur within 100 feet of the shoreline.1 The four most common sharks involved with attacks are the great white, tiger, whitetip, and bull. However, unknown to most except deep sea divers, is the presence of the goblin shark.
The goblin shark is found in every major ocean, but only at deep depths. Therefore, it constantly lives in darkness at high pressures. The goblin shark is usually …show more content…

Web. 04 May 2017.

Since the goblin shark has weak muscles, its speed is not fast. This movement constrainment can affect how a goblin shark hunts. It is believed goblin sharks must sneak up on its prey from behind because its prey will most likely outrun the goblin shark if chased.3 However, if the goblin sharks hunt in groups, there would be a higher chance of capturing its prey. Many types of whales hunt in pods, they circle their prey until closing in. This would be an effective method for the goblin shark. Also, if the goblin shark were threatened by a predator, there is more power in number for defence and safety.
Another restraint the goblin shark has is its poor eyesight.3 They have small black eyes which do little to help it be aware of its surroundings. Alone they would struggle to survive against an advancing predator or obstacle, but in a group there is less room for error when multiple sharks are able to watch out for oncoming hazards.
It is every animal’s instinct to do whatever it takes to survive, and if, for the goblin shark, that involves staying in a group, they will. Alone the goblin shark would have struggles in survival due to its eyesight and muscle strength, so the best option for the goblin shark is to bond together to hunt and swim. Most fish swim in schools, so why not the goblin

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