Act 1 scene 3 and Act 3 scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Act 1 scene 3 and Act 3 scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

When Juliet is introduced into the play she is shown as an innocent

child who has everything decided for her. Lady Capulet refers to her

as "it" and doesn't call her "Juliet". LC arrangesa marridge for her

with Paris the reason being that he owns allot of power. Lady Capulet

and Capulet beleive it's about time she settles down and had a family.

They beleive Paris is the man for her because a man with power is what

a woman needs. Not an man that she loves because it doesn't matter to

LC and C, all that matters is power. If juliets married Paris not only

would it make Juliet more powerful it would make the capulets more

powerful. So It is important to them that she marries Paris. Juliet

clearly doesn't want to marry a person that she doesn't love but Nurse

and LC says that she will learn to love him.

In the begining before she falls in love with Romeo, she is shown as a

young immature girl but after the affect of Romeo and Juliets love

occurs she is shown as a mature young lady.

Nurse is more of a best friend than a parent to Juliet although she

has been more of a parent figure than Lady Capulet and Capulet. Nurse

is not aware of Juliets emotions almost as she has no emotion she is

not capable of being embarrassed they discuss sex infront of her face

and they say she has been prepared for sex and marriage at a young

age. She reminises about the times she had gone out with her husband

and Juliet when she was at a young age. She fall over oh her face and

Nurse say thather husband had said that she would prefer being on her

back in a decades time meaning as a sexual way. Julietagreed as babies

do but obviously not knowing what. So nurse had come to a conclusion

that she had been ready for sex at the ages of three or four.

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