Sexual Scripts In Relationships

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Sexual scripts are concepts developed by John Gagnon and William Simon to explain how members of opposite sexes behave towards each other (Wiederman, 2005). This also includes their response to situations. Sexual scripts act as guidelines in our relationships with the opposite sex. They act as unwritten guidelines on how males and females interact or express their sexuality. For example, at the social level, men are expected to take the active role while women are expected to have a passive role in initiating sex (Grimaldi, 2009). Similarly, when a man asks a woman out for a date, it is expected that he takes care of the bills, this being the traditional sexual script for dating. Sexual scripts are developed passively, that is, they do not develop through first hand experiences. Sexual scripting occurs at three levels, that is, cultural, social and personal levels. Sexual scripts are shaped by culture and social norms. From a collection of ideals, images and concepts gathered from people and other media in the immediate environment, a person therefore understands their sexual responsibilities. Sexual scripts are developed during adolescence and are continually shaped by our experiences as we continue to grow. …show more content…

Sexual scripts normally give guidelines on where to do, what to do, why, when and with whom. Sexual scripts also help interpret the meanings of sexual symbols and behaviors and determine how to respond to them. In other words, they help regulate our sexual expression. Sexual scripts have been known to determine how different people respond to situations. For example, Villanueva (2001) stated that some women will succumb to sexual coercion since they know that to be the only way to stop persistent pestering by men. Others will do it to avoid being labeled old-fashioned while others know it to be the only way to end a man’s

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