Sexual Assault Scenarios

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As the weeks have flown by, I have had the opportunity to do every rotation in the psychiatric hospital. After visiting the adolescent unit, I made my way over to the military unit. The military unit was much different than other units I had been to because the patients were higher functioning. Most of the patients in this unit were there because of suicidal ideations. While I was there, I was able to participate in group therapy and I really enjoyed it. We started off with a mindfulness activity in the backyard to release our anxiety. I think that just being outside had a positive vibe for the patients as they were finally allowed to get some fresh air. From there, the patients and I made our way back into the day room where we did an activity …show more content…

Personally, I was not as bothered by it as much as some of the other nursing students. I can see how the video would be uncomfortable for individuals who have experienced sexual assault or who knows someone who has had this happen to them though. I watch a lot of crime shows and movies, so this type of film was not too out of the ordinary for me. I believe that I chose to look at the video from a nurse’s point of view. What I saw from the video, was the pain and emotion the girl was feeling. I felt like this video showed me how to be a better nurse in an emotional aspect. I learned to be more sensitive and to give the patient the time she needs to get through the rape assessment. I don’t think I would show this video again because of the controversy to other student’s in the class. At the least, I would pause the video before the gang rape occurred. I would however, recommend showing the video of how to give a proper assessment to a patient who has been sexually assaulted because it is likely that I, as well as many of the other students, will have a patient who has experienced this at some point in our career. It is essential to know how to speak to patient’s who have experienced this and how to give them the proper respect that they

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