Sexual Assault In Today's World Essay

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Sexual Assault in Today’s World In today's world, sexual assault has become a “hot topic” in the media. Many of these cases are seen as popular and have a lot of impact, some involving well known celebrities. But even with their vast numbers, some largely numbered cases of assault go unnoticed. Sexual assault in places such as the military, on campuses, and in the workplace have less broadcasted attention. “In today’s world sexual assault is a growing problem with many effects on people.” Assault in the Military The Military may seem like a well regulated, organization but not many may realize the large amount sexual assaults occurring within it. the Department of Defense estimates that 18,900 US service members were sexually assaulted in …show more content…

“Military surveys indicate that most respondents—62 percent—who experienced unwanted sexual contact and reported it to a military authority faced retaliation as a result of reporting.” (HRW) They may not want to face the retaliation along with the experience of the assault. This can lead to people choosing to not report. Many people in the military who do end up reporting retaliation, can also report that, they considered the aftermath of the sexual assault—bullying and isolation from peers or the damage done to their career as a result of reporting—worse than the assault itself. (HRW) These people, are not only suffering from the assault, but from the abuse and other hate that comes with reporting it. This affects them emotionally and can also impact their career. The people facing this retaliation are facing it in many different ways. They could lose a certain promotion, be docked pay, threatened, or face constant humiliating slurs. Friends or people they thought of as family in their squadrent can also begin to harass them ,believing that the victim is a liar for turning the assaulter in. They suffer abuse from people in their unit? And officers outranking them? insert a quote. Thus, making the military seem unsafe and threatening, along with the people in

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