The Pros And Cons Of Military Sexual Assault

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Article 120, UCMJ, is rape and sexual assault generally. The manual for courts-martial provides a very detailed and informative definition of what Sexual Assault is. The goal of this article is not to regurgitate that definition for you, but simply to make you aware of some of the common themes and similarities seen in past military sexual assault cases, provide some clarity on the two reporting options and finally to make you aware of some of the resources available to you in the event you become a victim of sexual assault. Many military sexual assault cases share two prominent characteristics; the consumption of alcohol and lack of clearly given consent. The unfortunate and tragic truth is sexual assaults still occur within our ranks. However, we can mitigate our chances of becoming a victim by educating ourselves, being aware of common themes and staying proactive in the prevention of this despicable crime. The first and most striking similarity shared in recent sexual assault cases is alcohol was present. Not only was it present, but it was a very significant factor in these cases. This is no minor detail. Alcohol has a way of making people more willing to disregard normal decision-making processes and engage in behavior they wouldn’t remotely consider in normal instances. Unfortunately, some of these …show more content…

What is consent? Consent is a willing agreement that exist between sober, non-coerced, and mentally capable adults when engaging in activities together. Consent is given or taken away at any time. Just because a person had consent in the past does not mean they have it in the future. This is a very important concept and requirement that must be established within any sexual relationship. It is absolutely critical to understand if your partner does not expressly give their consent and commit a sexual act upon them, you have sexually assaulted that

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