Sexual Abuse In Adulthood Essay

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Research has indicated that about thirty percent of individuals, have experienced sexual abuse during their childhood (Zierler et al., 1991). In addition, it is estimated that about one in twenty cases of sexual abuse get reported (Finkelhor et al., 1990). Despite cases of sexual abuse predominantly occurring during childhood, this type of abuse also occurs during adulthood, or during both stages of development (Finkelhor et al., 1990). In addition, sexual abuse does not affect one particular gender. However, young girls and older females are more likely to experience sexual abuse, than young boys or adult males (Zierler et al., 1991). As a result of sexual abuse, individuals are severely traumatized, struggle with interpersonal relationships, hold a negative self-image …show more content…

As it pertains to PTSD, victims often experience flashbacks of their abuse, and persistently avoid everything associated with the trauma they experienced (Yuan et al., 2006). Sexual abuse victims also get diagnosed with BPD.
Specifically, because of their instability of mood, suicidal behaviors, unstable and unhealthy relationships, or impulsive behaviors (Yuan et al., 2006). The prevalence of depression among this population, is extremely vast. Moreover, these individuals are more likely to experience depression during their lifetime, compared to individuals who have experienced other types of distress (Zeirler et al., 1991). However, the majority of sexual abuse victims are not open to discussing their symptoms, and often let their symptoms go untreated (Walker, 1994).
Sexual abuse victims who suffer from depression or any other psychological disorder, often require a combination of therapy and psychopharmacological treatment, to help them overcome the psychological effects of the trauma they experienced (Walker, 1994). Sexual trauma can be treated in several ways. However, individual and group therapy are the

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