Sexist Advertising: The Concept Of Gender Discrimination In Advertising

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The question of gender discrimination and stereotyping still remains the actual one in the 21 century. The concept of “gender” as “social basis” assumes studying of the gender stereotypes ordering one line of role behavior in a family and society for men, and others for women. Certainly, gender stereotypes really exist, and they are various in the different countries and during different historical eras. Despite the extensive data of researches, discrimination is widely used in the sphere of mass media, which uses gender stereotypes to attract attention from the necessary auditory or satisfy their own purposes. There are diverse situations where gender discrimination may be expressed through advertisements: the most typical are job advertisements and commercials. As stereotypical representations together with strongly marked discriminative elements are widely represented in advertisements, it is essential to determine the …show more content…

According to this strategy, when a person sees an advertisement, he identifies an image of a person with a good or service this image refers to which leads to the strong desire of the person to buy goods or use services. In such cases of the sexist advertising, according to the authors (Mort, Frank 36), the following scheme works: from one side, attractive body means high quality of the thing advertised. From the other side, a customer whose desire to purchase goods caused by the influence of such advertisements subconsciously appropriates the image of a beautiful body from the cover. So, by means of one of these schemes, a customer comes to the conclusion that he has to purchase an advertised thing in order to become closer to the beauty of the

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