Sex Offender Treatment

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This is Mathew Mosher’s final treatment report. Mathew completed sex offender specific treatment on 6/14/16. Mathew states that his plan is to continue seeing this provider on a “booster session” basis, once monthly, until he is eligible to de-register as a sex offender, and work towards getting his criminal record sealed.

Mathew’s treatment progress during the last phase of treatment improved from the previous reporting period. He spent much of this time working on the victim’s perspective of the sexual offense. This was important for Mathew to address because he was having a challenging time writing his Victim Letter, the final project to complete treatment. Mathew was stuck on going beyond a heart-felt apology, and laying out his …show more content…

It appears that Mathew’s move to his biological mother’s and stepfather’s home in the middle of his treatment with this provider played a part in the treatment disruption. Mathew cited strict rules and what he thought was emotional abuse from his stepmother as the reasons for his move. This move, while pleasing to him because he was allowed the freedom to operate without much supervision, his focus on his treatment work had noticeably changed, and he began to push back when confronted by his peers in treatment group about his lack of focus and he shut down emotionally, would use lies of omission to hide what he was actually doing, and stayed on the margins of the treatment group milieu. This behavior lasted for several weeks until Mathew upped the ante and began telling his family that he was on the verge of not completing SSODA and this was not due to his efforts. Mathew attempted to triangulate his mother and stepfather against this provider by stating that he had a learning disability and has a diminished capacity to learn the treatment goals set for him. After a parent meeting with this provider, it was made clear that Mathew was avoiding having to address important treatment foci and was making excuses to avoid having to complete assigned treatment homework. After this meeting, Mathew’s parents made a commitment to make time to help Mathew with his treatment homework and this resulted in Mathew’s timely completion of homework and a noticeable gain in his understanding and comprehension of the concepts and ideas addressed during individual and treatment

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