Setting Personal Goals

590 Words2 Pages

Do you any formal small goals set?

There are so many people in the world who just live day by day. They go to work, put in the time, come home and do it all over again day in and day out.

They just don't seem to be going anywhere worthwhile. They don't even think about what they are really doing or why? They have not thought about what it is that they really want out of life, they don't set a path or Set any goals for themselves.

Setting a goal no matter how small is very powerful and it is something that everybody must do to achieve any amount of success. It motivates you to understand the direction that you want to take and turn that into a reality for yourself. Goals are incredibly important to achieving your dreams.

Setting a small goal from the start will help you concentrate on the direction you are going. What it is that you want to achieve. By setting up small goals you will find a path for yourself of where you would like to go with your life.The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to achieve in your lifetime. …show more content…

This will help you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the most of your life.Set a positive goal for yourself, one that is achievable, putting in the dates, times and amounts so that you can measure what you are doing.

Select a handful of really important goals and go with a smaller list. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses and most likely we only need to improve a few select areas of our lives at a time.

Once you have your plan, you start working on it to achieve these goals. Start with today, what can you do, then next week, next month, six months, one year, five years and start moving towards them. If your goal is to big you will become discouraged and feel like you are not making any progress keep them

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