Service Dogs: Troubled People

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Service dogs play a large role in helping the community of disabled or troubled people.
Police dogs are one of the forms of service dogs that help out with troubled people. Police dogs are specifically trained to assist law enforcement. According to the national Center for Victims of crime, police service dogs are trained to sniff out bombs and drugs on suspects. This will limit the amount of drug dealers and users as well. The dogs start training as pups until they grow and mature with the these traits as a habit to them, but they still train on a weekly basis.
Many police dogs have given up their lives to help our society. Thousands of dogs have died trying to either save or protect the human species. According to the How Stuff Works, the …show more content…

Also according to the How Stuff works website, police dogs have training at least twice a week to keep their skills sharp. To start of the day, the dogs and officers wake up early and start their day with drug sweeps at schools. Then by 4pm, the dogs are on street patrol till midnight. After that they go home and get some rest for their next busy day.
Another common type of service dog is the Rescue dog. These are the dogs that go on search and rescue missions during traumatic incidents such as: earthquakes, avalanches, floods, fire, and many more situations. Some experts and professionals say that one search and rescue dog can accomplish the work of 20 to 30 people. According to How Stuff Works, when dogs are searching for a person in an avalanche, the person's chances of surviving increase exponentially compared to human searchers. These dogs used in search and rescue are usually chosen for their smell, hearing, and night …show more content…

These dogs are also used as companions for their owners, or whoever they help. According to the book “Praise for A Big Little Life”, most dogs, including the main dog in this story, are taught things that you wouldn’t imagine they could do on command. If a person in a wheelchair needed their dog at all times and they didn’t have time to let their dog out to go to the bathroom, the dog will go to the bathroom on command so that the owner can keep track of the dog at all

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