Service Dog Research Paper

603 Words2 Pages

Specific subject: Service Dogs
Specific Purpose: Why you should never pet a service dog.

I. Attention Getter: According to a service do is or has been specially trained to assist people with disabilities, like opening doors, retrieving needed objects and other special needs.
II. Listener relevance: There’s a lot of people with a service dog, and one day it could be you or someone close to you that will need one.
III. Thesis Statement: Having a service dog is important but it’s even more important to make sure the service dog isn’t distracted.
IV. Preview of main points: Today we will discuss why you shouldn’t pet a service dog, and what you can do to help from distracting the dog.
I. First main point: There are …show more content…

They are trained to ignore distractions, but they also must be able to steer their owners away from anything dangerous.
B. Treat the handler with dignity.
1. Speak to them like you would with anyone else.
2. Don’t ask personal questions about their disabilities.

II. Second main point: On, Don’t get offended!
A. Don’t ask the handler if they could see the dog do a trick.
1. Or if the handler doesn’t stop to chat, but normally many handlers are happy to answer any respectful questions about their dog.
2. And don’t get offended if the handler will not let you pet their dog, some people have a “strict no petting policy”.
B. Whatever you do try not to draw attention to the dog and handler.
1. Example: walking into a store and rounding the corner to see a service dog in the aisle please don’t yell look a dog and point.
2. Allow the service dog handler to go about his or her business just like you would with anyone else.
III. Third main point: Do not photograph or video record a service dog team without permission.
1. Use an encounter with a service dog team as an opportunity to educate children ( and adults).
2. Explain to the children and adults about what a service dog is and what they do and why it’s important not to interfere with the team’s

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