Sergio's Writing Response Essay

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Introduction Sergio is a Spanish-speaking student in 2nd grade. He speaks both Spanish and English fluently, so he can engage in verbal communication by comprehending directions and responding to questions. After school, he goes over to a family friend’s house to learn more Spanish. Although Sergio continues to learn Spanish, he is not classified as an English Language Learner and gets pulled out during the 30-minute intervention period. His favorite topic to talk about is dinosaurs and is most engaged during science instructions. Pre-study Assessments Sergio’s struggles begin during any reading and writing instructions, for his works shows he does not invest time and effort into completing his assignments. His writings lack clarity and details and are often unorganized with lots of invented spellings. Some of his writings show misspelling of sight words, which shows that Sergio does not take time to reread and revise his writings. If he extends his writings, his writings are often dull and repetitive, which means he does not take risks in expressing his thoughts and ideas. Some of Sergio’s written responses to written prompts demonstrate that he does not comprehend the texts that he read prior to the writing. For example, one of his writings was to connect big …show more content…

However, it was a very short meeting, for I was only able to pull Sergio away from instruction during the last 10-minute of class. There was not enough time to explain the purpose of the meeting, discuss possible writing topics, and write about a topic that Sergio enjoyed. Once Sergio and I found a topic that Sergio was excited to write about, his new baby chicks that he and his mother picked up from the post office that morning, it was already time to pack up for the day. As a result, Sergio was only able to start a sentence for his writing. He did not even have the opportunity to finish

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