Sergeant Tony Saika Research Paper

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Sergeant Tony Saika is a Sergeant at the Sacramento Sheriff’s department Child Abuse Bureau. He has been in law enforcement for 23 years. Sergeant Tony knew that he wanted to be in law enforcement since the first grade. He always had positive experiences with law enforcement and knew from a young age that he wanted to serve and protect. Despite working in a challenging field and in the child abuse bureau, he is always in a good mood and loves to come to work every day. He truly enjoys his job and works hard to save innocent children from abuse. Sergeant Tony is an experienced officer who has worked a few different job during his years in law enforcement, where he has experienced quite a few interesting incidents while on the job. Sergeant Tony is a …show more content…

He highly recommended getting a masters degree. The competition is tougher now because there are more people who are educated than ever. Law enforcement wants the best. Almost everyone has a high school degree and more and more people are getting their bachelor’s degree. He said that with a masters degree, one has an advantage and officers with masters degrees get paid more too. The second thing was to be physically fit. The physical test involves dragging a 165-pound dummy so one must have a strong core and legs. He said to go to the gym often and that running is a very important part of the workout. Having hobbies is extremely important because there are some officers who become workaholics and live at their job. The job can be too much at times and it is important to have healthy hobbies outside of law enforcement. Sergeant Tony works out and loves to attend his kids sports and activities. He really enjoys taking his kids to the park and movies. He loves to watch funny TV shows because he loves happy things, especially since his job can get depressing at

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