Self Reflective Analysis

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Through this experience I have learned many new things about myself. I have learned in detail who I am as a learner, a teacher and as a participant in my community. Through the use of the material addressed in modules two, six and eight, I am able to conduct a critical analysis of myself and what I have learned in the course that is relevant to my academic and professional career.
Module two touched on many important topics; however what I took away most from this module was the discussion of the three lenses. Within this module, and throughout the course, I learned that applying multiple perspectives to one experience enhances my understanding of the experience. I was able to do this best by applying each of these lenses while partaking in …show more content…

What I feel I really learned in this module that I will carry on with me for the rest of my academic career is the importance of reflection and journaling. I learned that I am a more successful learner when I reflect on my experiences and use multiple strategies to do so. Journaling is a key component in successful reflection and it is important to structure the journal so that critical reflection is demonstrated (Eyler, 2002). As I completed my journals, I was able to break down my thoughts and build connections between my own knowledge and the knowledge I gained while at my service learning setting. This strategy enhanced my learning and taught me an important lesson about myself, being that I need to write down my thoughts in order to build connections. The module introduced the DEAL model, which also enhanced my reflection process and as the module discussed, deepened the connections I was making within my journals. The module recommended using this model for each lens, which I found aligned my thoughts and gave me a multi-perspective outlook on my experience. The articles provided in this module really enhanced the instructional narrative provided on self-reflection. Eyler (2002), demonstrated that service learning is more successful when students engage in journaling and reflection. I found this to be very true through the course as I learned that it contributed to my understanding of the course and myself. The importance of reflective practice to myself as a learner is a lesson I will take away from this course for the remainder of my academic

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