Self Critique For Group Work

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Kathy’s Self-Critique This group activity started out with me taking charge in getting things organized. I set up all the shared documents that were needed for the Milestone assignments. I also tried to keep everyone on track by setting up due dates to have things completed by. With working with Caitlin, Danielle, and Emma in the past I somewhat know how they do things. I did ask them if it was okay if I organized things and they seemed to be very appreciative. I would say my strength would be being organized. If I am not organized I have a really hard time concentrating on getting things done. I believe another one of my strengths would be communication. Well, I would say most of the time. Sometimes when I get upset I have to take a breath …show more content…

I mean, I feel like I have to get things started, because I feel like if I do not do it it won’t get done. I feel like I have to be the mother of the group. I have also learned that I have a harder time completing a group activity. I feel like there is so much more pressure, because there are people counting on me to do good. I also do not want to hurt people’s feelings. I have a hard time giving suggestions, because I do not want to upset them. I would like to work on being able to communicate suggestions more easily. Maybe work on a better way to relay the message. I also need to work on not being so nervous when it comes to working with a group. I just need to worry about getting my part done. I am not the mother of the group. I also need to work on just doing my best and not worry about what the rest of the group is going to …show more content…

We set up a group message on Facebook. We tried email, but Facebook seemed to work better. It worked really good when we would have questions about any of the assignments. This way everyone could reply to the question. So we got everyone’s feedback. Due to us all living at least an hour apart from each other the only time we could get together was at school. We did set up times to meet at school and that worked some of the time. One time we were unable to meet to work on the Milestone 1 due to Caitlin, Danielle, and Emma not being at school. I filled most of that assignment out myself and then we discussed it over Facebook. There was also another time when we were going to meet to complete one of the Milestones and Emma was not there. So, Caitlin, Danielle, and I completed ourselves. We have had some issues with Emma not meeting group set deadlines. We have had to remind her many times. I do not like to complain about anyone, but I am really having a hard time with Emma right now. I added my part to our document and she wanted to make a bunch of changes to it. She wanted to add information, change what I wrote, change my sentence structure, and rearrange the whole paper. I understand she has had a lot of experience and education on this subject, but if she wanted the part I took I wish she would have asked me for it instead of trying to rewrite it. I know I need to tell her that. Like I said earlier, I am trying to cool down

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