Self Assessment Report Sample

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The prospect of working as a clinical trial administrator and contributing towards the work conducted by the Royal Malsden would be a welcomed opportunity to mee. I believe I have the scientific mindset and skills necessary to fulfil the post duties and I hope this will enable me to make a positive impact on the important work being conducted.
During my undergraduate studies, my final year project involved critically reviewing the candidacy of a lipoprotein signal peptidase as a novel drug target. It provided me with the opportunity to critically analyse large amounts of research from numerous databases and dissect complex information. My interpretation, critical thinking and data acquisition skills were greatly enhanced through this experience. …show more content…

This enabled me to further build on my skills obtained from my prior undergraduate studies and build upon my knowledge of research techniques and processes. In addition, the writing up of detailed reports for results and management of references used for the write up of my thesis was required to ensure work was conducted in a logical and organized manner. Additionally, one of my assessment for this degree involved completing a meta-analysis for a drug of choice. This assessment required me to critically analyse both clinical trial data and data from published papers with high precision and attention to detail. Statistical analysis of data reported from clinical trials was also investigated using various statistic programmes. As a result of this project, my organisation, computer skills were greatly improved. Additionally, my knowledge of the research process and its implications were improved. In hindsight, my post-graduate degree was very challenging but rewarding. What was essential to its completion was remaining motivated through stressful situations. I gained valuable skills as a result including excellent time-management and organization skills due to working on numerous project simultaneously, skills I know are necessary for this post.
I always seek to continuously acquire new skills, knowledge and develop professionally. After graduating, I enrolled in several online and face-to-face courses. Including, Introduction to good clinical practice in primary care, introduction to good clinical practice in secondary care and the Improving healthcare through clinical research online course. I was able to build upon my knowledge of clinical research and its importance. Furthermore, these courses really value and importance of good clinical research in healthcare

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