Selective Perception Essay

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One of the greatest communication barriers faced in the workplace today, especially at the leadership level, is that of selective perception. The world we live in is more diverse than in previous generations and unfortunately, this has not exactly had a positive effect. Rather, it has created an environment of bias, and in some situations, hostility against those who do not follow what many deem to be “social norms.”
The primary detriment created by selective perception is the inability to effectively communicate, both vertically or laterally, in the workplace. From a management perspective, negative perceptions of employees can cause friction in the manager-employee relationship. The same is also true of employees who develop selective perception against co-workers.
In this reflection, we aim to spotlight some of these selective perception issues and why they are prevalent. Furthermore, we intend to identify possible remedies to these destructive communication barriers.
What is Selective Perception?
Selective perception, according to Robbins, is "the tendency to selectively interpret what one sees on the basis of one's interests, background, experience, and attitudes" (Robbins, 2013). Team C picked this particular barrier because it is something that we have all experienced in our professional and personal lives. The process of selective perception occurs automatically, normally, outside of the conscious awareness of the perceiver (Donsbach, 2008). Selective perception causes a problem when it leads those in management or leadership to be biased, vice objective, which validates their preconceived beliefs and makes them to overlook valid, but possibly unfamiliar information.
Businesses can also use selective perception as...

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... Do I have preconceived expectations? Would I see things differently without these expectations? Have I asked for a second opinion from someone who does share my expectations? These questions can expose many of the cognitive and motivation factors that lead to biases in perception.
It is not possible for a team leader to see or know everything. They need to hear from, listen to and learn from others. They also must be willing to hear, and not just listen, when someone is speaking – that is, to listen with an open mind.
In today’s global market, diversity is a necessity. Effective leaders will encourage and benefit from the ideas, strengths, styles and roles that their employees bring to the organization. If managers learn to appreciate the differences that diversity and perspectives bring to the team, their organizations will be richer and stronger.

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