Science Fair Project On Lung Capacity

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Have you ever wondered how breathing works? I have found out from over time that working your lungs can build your ability to breathe better during a workout. My science fair project is about your lung capacity and how it can change. I think it would be fascinating to find out what your own lung capacity is, and you can do that by measuring it with a balloon. I believe that learning more about your lung capacity will help to explain why athletes breathe better than non-athletes.
This section you will learn how the respiratory system works. Organs in your body are responsible for you to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide (zimmermann, Kim Ann). Red blood cells collect oxygen and bring it to the areas needed, while thats happening carbon dioxide is being collected and gets carried back to lungs and get exhaled (zimmermann, Kim Ann). When you breathe the air goes in through your nose or mouth and travels through different tubes that lead to your lungs (zimmermann, Kim Ann). There are lobes on each lung that are called alveoli, when the air gets to these the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide happens(zimmermann, Kim Ann). Many different diseases and/or conditions can occur, some diseases are influenza, bacterial pneumonia, etc… (zimmermann, Kim Ann).
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Your lung capacity depends on how big your lungs are (self). Average lung capacity for a young child is about 2.1 liters (Q&A; balloons and vital lung capacity). On average 3.6 liters of air is the vital capacity of a 14 year old (Q&A; balloons and vital lung capacity). A 20 year old has a lung capacity of 4 liters (Q&A; balloons and vital lung capacity). As you get older your bones become thinner including your rib cage, as a result of that your rib cage can’t expand anymore (martin, Laura J.). This process will prevent you from breathing enough air (martin, Laura J.). Symtoms of tiredness and shortness of breath can happen (martin, Laura

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