Schools Should Be Held Responsible For A Person's Suicide

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Lastly, the workplace or school is also one of the ones that should be held responsible for a person’s suicide. People spends most of their time in their workplace when they are adults and students spend their time mostly in the school. These are the place where people experience varieties of situations because these places are packed with other different people. A school is a place where children learn new things but it is also a place where they experience how to deal with life and people. In most schools, high schools, in particular, bullying is very common and it was the primary cause of many teen suicides. Being bullied by many peers and being shamed in front of many people has a big impact on a person. It affects their emotional and …show more content…

The family can be just too ignorant about them or they might cause the harm to these people that lead them to kill themselves. The physicians might ignore the fact that their patients are capable of suicide. Lastly, the workplace, especially the schools are the main place of the cause of suicides because of bullying of their peers. These are just the three main things that can be responsible for a person’s suicide, there is probably a possible cause that can be held responsible for someone else’s suicide. Suicide is a very serious cause of death because it has its mystery that goes with it because people always find the reason why these people kill themselves. This might be very hard for people who has a loved one who commits suicide. Blaming themselves are some of the common issues, but there are particular situations when other people should be liable for someone’s suicide. There are many different cases that they should consider the one to blame for someone’s suicide, and sometimes it is too late for blaming or it was not even necessary anymore. There are no certain laws that were related to this issue, aside bullying as a crime, but when it was analyzed deeply someone or something should be accounted for it whether the person or the people around him or

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