Scavenger Hunt Analysis

593 Words2 Pages

Hello Ms. Martin and fellow classmates.

Please call me Wendy, I am thrilled to be a part of the University of the People and so glad to have such enthusiastic and positive people to go through university with! I hope to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and become part of the technological revolution. The Scavenger Hunt was interesting, the most important thing I learned while completing it was how much information is available through the Student Portal, which is very helpful. Many of my questions can be answered just by visiting the Student Portal and looking around.

In my humble opinion, higher education institutions, change the world for the better, helping people to be encouraged, and more optimistic about life in general. As a person from an uneducated family, an education beyond high school has always been just a dream until now. As a whole, in the United States, higher education is seen as a necessity for most people to be successful, to be gained through university as apposed to self-taught. According to the president of Harvard, Drew Gilpin Faust, "Higher education generates broader economic growth as well as individual success." (Faust, 2010). Providing students with the knowledge to have a successful career, is not the only accomplishment of higher education, it also enables students to see the world with more clarity and understanding. Therefore, creating a more dynamic and open …show more content…

Because the world is changing at such a rapid pace, people seem to rarely have the same career for a lifetime. We need to learn to learn, so that we can adapt to new technology and changing careers. What hasn't changed about higher education is that students can learn, through studies and being a part of a university or college, to be productive in society and contribute to the betterment of their

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