Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

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Do you ever wonder what would happen if some humans reverted back to savagery and some stayed civilized? The novel Lord Of The Flies by William Golding which was about a plane crashing onto an abandoned island and many young boys survived however no adults were alive. The boys have to figure out how to live and make a society for themselves. Ralph was order, leadership, civilization and he was the most rational, he was all you could ever want in a young boy, his actions were the society we have now versus the old savagery coming out through the many other boys. Ralph was the golden boy.
Ralph was the representation of order in the little society that the boys eventually made. Ralph was elected as the leader although Jack thought he would be voted leader Ralph was much more fitted for the job, "Shut up, said Ralph absently...I can sing C sharp" (22). All the boys liked Ralph better than Jack for the …show more content…

Ralph was all about being confident and cool with just Piggy being near, “‘I don't care what they call me,’ he said confidentially” (11). He did not care about the other boys when Piggy was talking about them hypothetically. But as time went on and other boys were afraid of Jack's “tribe” and intimidated by their outer appearance. Yet Ralph never backed down to anyone, "’Then we must go as we are,’ said Ralph, ...that the concealing paint brought” (172). The younger boys and Piggy were all very scared of the tribal type painting Jacks group had. However Ralph convinced them that it meant nothing. But towards the end Ralphs fear comes emerged and he turns it into loathing instead, “In front of them, only three or four yards away, ...fused his fear and loathing into a hatred, and stood up. He took two leaden steps forward” (121). Ralph could barely accept that he feared something so he convinced himself it was hatred for Jack. He based all his problems on the infamous

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