Satire In Magna Galoles

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MagnaSoles Satire is a literary genre based on criticism of people or society, ridicule and mockery are mixed with humour throughout a work of satire. It usually attacks human frailty, people, ideas and institutions. Through celebrities, advertisements and false integrity, products are made to be more believable and influential to consumers. In this present day, consumers are more likely to purchase a product if they see that a celebrity uses it, or it comes with something free or a very low price compared to similar products. The Onion, a publication devoted to humor and satire, satirizes how products are marketed to consumers, through exaggeration of functionality, scientific data, and medical explanations (diction-large words.) In this piece of writing techniques such as exaggeration of functionality is provided to make the audience more impressed by the product. Although the information is unrelated and obviously over exaggerated, it is used in correct context form. In line 13, this article satirizes emphasizes marketers put into their products to convince consumers, MagnaSoles promise to “actually soothes while it heals, restoring the foots natural bioflow” with this information given, consumers are more likely to buy the MagnaSoles shoe inserts. Also it implies a problem with human biomechanics by using sarcastic buzzwords such as bioflow; they create a counterfeit sense of professionalism. Exaggeration is a huge factor in marketing products “MagnaSoles is not just a shoe insert…it’s a total foot-rejuvenation system” (line 16-17) once something is departed, there is no motivation to bring it back to life, consumers love to know that a product will make them feel happy, energetic and healthy again instead of go... ... middle of paper ... ... consumers into purchasing their products. In addition, expert perspectives are always a good quality thing in product marketing. “Dr. Wayne Frankel, the California State University biotrician who discovered Terranometry.” (line 35) Biotrician is not a scientific person or word, but consumers probably do not know that and they will trust it anyway and the fact that he is a doctor is enough to get them to purchase the product. Biotrician is false information to lead the consumers into purchasing the item, This article’s target is to raise alertness, give caution, and create comedy about the often-misleading advertisement industry. Through convincing writing techniques the onion uses exaggeration, scientific data and medical explanation, to make fun of an everyday advertisement. The writer(s) also create a methodical and noticeable satirical piece of literature.

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