Satire About Obesity

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Obesity is an epidemic in America. Fast food can be compared to the same type of mindless addiction as cigarettes, and can be equally as dangerous. Not only is there a problem with fast food restaurants, but the food industry as a whole. Slaughterhouses that control 80% of the market produce meat in such a way that is not healthy for consumption, in turn the products are doused in harmful chemicals and still served to the public. No wonder the obesity rate in America is 69% and rising. Obesity is a true problem in our country- people are neglecting their health and quite literally eating themselves to death. In no way am I claiming to be a perfect, clean eater. Sometimes eating fast food is unavoidable- which is the problem. Fast food restaurants are on every corner; their business plan is to get people through their doors due to the convenience of their location, prices, and hours. Consumers often value this convenience over the detriments it is causing to …show more content…

We met every weekend for Sunday dinner, with lots of spaghetti, heavy pasta sauce, lots of carbs, and tons of fried food. Needless to say, there are many cases of obesity that run in my family due to the eating habits we all share. High cholesterol, heart problems, and diabetes are some ailments that typically accompany obesity; I have watched my grandfather undergo open heart surgery more times than I’d like to remember. I have seen the effects of fast food and fried food first hand, however the most heart breaking cases of obesity in my family are my sweet little cousins. It seems as though the two of them get ten pounds heavier each time I see them, and I can only imagine the ridicule they will soon receive from their classmates, and not to mention the health complications that are sure to follow. My aunt and uncle are truly setting them up for failure, and it breaks my heart every time I see how much weight they have

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