Santiago Defeated

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“A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”

Life tests one every now and then, it puts one through situations that test one’s patience, strength, determination, will and everything else. Every one goes through ups and downs to reach towards their goals. It is always seen that life never offer great things on a platter, one has to earn it. Nothing is easy in life and if it is easy, it is not worth it. Ernest Hemingway said, “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” Thus, Santiago’s faith in his own skills and abilities allows him to fight off the hopelessness. Santiago never gives up despite obstacles and hardships. To accomplish his only goal, Santiago endures people’s insults, struggles against the Marlin and the hard time with the shark.
The other fishermen make fun of Santiago’s 84th unsuccessful days of fishing. He is always insulted for not having caught even a fish in 84 days. According to the text, “The old man was now definitely and finally Salao” (pg.5). Manolin’s parents considered the poor Santiago so unlucky that after 40 days of without a fish, the young man (Manolin) was made to join another boat which they considered a ‘luck boat’. Santiago was insulted yet, his hope and confidence had never gone. He still had that determination to catch the big fish and believe in himself that he can. He could endure those insults for he believed …show more content…

With all his courage, Santiago ventures out into the very deep sea and there he hooks a marlin. He holds the line with his bare hands. Although Santiago is old, he uses all his strength and wits to defeat the fish. According to Hemingway, “He felt the line carefully with his right hand and noticed his hand was bleeding” (pg.35). Poor Santiago undergo wounds, great exhustion, hunger and thrist yet, with his spirit not broken, he finally catches a marlin. Thus, success came in his life when he simply refused to give up with goals so strong and remained

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