Sandra Cisnero

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The story of Guadalupe the sex of goddess by Sandra Cisnero talks about a girl from a Latino background who was always ashamed of talking about sex, she never got the courage of asking her mom about her body and she never explored her body like she should’ve. Throughout her story she uses the word “Shame” Because that what she felt regarding questions about her own body and about sex. She states that for a girl to know her body she has to be white, because they can afford it and it’s a privilege, I just think that since white women are a little more open minded than Latinas and have the education that Latinos don’t, she feels like is a privilege for a white girl to talk about her body and feel right, they get to ask questions without feeling …show more content…

She lived in a house where the double stander was practice, her mom never talked to her about sex because she was a girl and in her religion and culture they were not comfortable with them talking sex. She also brings a point about her first sexual experience, she explains that she wanted to say no to the guy, but she did not know the right time nor the words, in consequence of that she did not had safe sex and she was not 100 percent okay with it. Sexual double stander it what got Sandra to feel a shame of her body and a shame of asking sex questions. Cohen explains that the sexual double stander is applied to adolescents in a way that the parents are harder and more strict with the girls than with the boys. This is a problem because as the author the story tells, her first sexual experience she did not give the guy the full consent, yet she did not how to stop the guy. Applying the double standard is something that is hurting girls because they are not thought at young ag about sex, about being safe, about how should be practice and how to protect themselves

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