Samuel Morris Story, Morris's Life: Samuel Kaboo Morris

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Samuel “Kaboo” Morris was a life described as short lived from those that wrote and testified concerning it. An African boy born in the year of 1873 as best is known. For even Kaboo was unsure of his exact birth. He only knew his approximate age. (The Samuel Morris Story-Taylor University). This young boy traveled from a western African country on his way to America. His journey was inspired and infused by his desire to know more about Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. His motivation to acquire all that he could and return back home and teach his people. Samuel accepted Jesus in his life in 1887. He arrived in New York in 1891. Samuel “Kaboo” Morris never returned to Africa to minister to his people. But the life …show more content…

His people were of the Kru tribe. Prince Kaboo’s tribe and another neighboring tribe the Grebos were in conflict. Eventually the Grebos conquered the Kru tribe and captured Prince Kaboo and demanded ransom from his father. Kaboo had been captured and ransomed on a previous occasion. However, this time the demands were unattainable. Kaboo’s father would not be able to pay. These events took place at a very young age in Kaboo’s life. He was around eleven years old. Kaboo’s father attempted to pay the ransom and gave all their possession, but it was not sufficient. Kaboo’s treatment from the Grebo tribe was extremely cruel. He was tied to a pole, whipped and beaten. There was even a grave hollow out next to him. . But this young boy would escape his captures in a miraculous way. This same Price Kaboo would leave Liberia and journey to America and be known as Samuel …show more content…

Merritt took Samuel for a ride in a grand coach with a beautiful team of horses. His intend was to show Samuel some of the city and sites of the area. This was Samuel’s response: “Stephen Merritt, do you ever pray in a coach? Mr. Meritt responded “yes” to Samuel. Samuel placed in hands on Mr. Merritt’s hands and they both turned and knelt in the coach. Samuel begin to pray for Mr. Merritt and tell the Holy Spirit that he had come from Africa to talk to Mr. Merritt about Him and that Mr. Merritt was talking about everything else but the Holy Spirit. He prayed that all these other things would be taken out of Mr. Merritt’s heart and that Mr. Merritt would be filled with the Holy Spirit. Samuel prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill Mr. Merritt so that he would write, preach and talk only of Him.(Merritt, page 7) Samuel’s words were always simple but powerful. In considering Samuel’s life there is much known and then at a second glance there is little known. Yes, little is known of Prince Kaboo and Samuel Morris, for it was not his objective for people to know him, but to know “His Father”. Samuel lived out the prayer that he prayed for Stephen Merritt in that coach. Samuel lived talked, and preached and was full of the life of His

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