History Of Black Wall Street ' Little Africa '

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The History of Black Wall Street “Little Africa” The history of this tragic story begins a little before the actual beginning of “Little Africa”. This story begins after slavery has supposedly ended, but a whole new era of cruelty, inhuman, and unfair events have taken place, after the awful institution of slavery when many of my people were taken from their home, beaten, raped, slaughter and dehumanized and were treated no better than livestock, than with the respect they deserved as fellow man. This story begins when the Jim Crow laws were put into place to segregate the whites from the blacks. The main idea of the Jim Crow laws was to keep black people away from whites, to live separately but equally. Most often this did not happen, which the whites were expecting the “Negros” to be lower than themselves and unable to function without them, until a community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, was started by blacks in 1908. They lived in a community called Greenwood. With only fifteen thousand residents, the blacks built their own little country despite the adversity they had received. Their community was one of the richest in the USA. So, it seems the Jim Crow laws that was meant to leave them destitute, was the option for the blacks to thrive. Blacks had their own businesses, schools, movie theaters, churches, transportation system, and they even had their own airlines. They were their own doctors, teachers, architects, pastors, artists, and musicians. As a bonus they were also very oil rich as well. Even when the economy was low “Little Africa” still did very well, even when the whites weren’t. But due to the years of economic success the blacks had, the whites were jealous and the KKK was reorganized in 1915. Though they had trouble f... ... middle of paper ... ...would help them, managed to rebuild the buildings without any loans from any bank. The rebuilt Greenwood lasted well into the 1950s. Their business thrived even through the Great Depression. By 1978, there were two establishments that remained standing, and they would not last long either. Another enemy of “Little Africa” would do what none of the others could, succeed in bringing down Black Wall Street. What was this enemy? Integration. Integration killed “Little Africa” because of something the whites called “Urban Renewal”. Another way to crush what the blacks had accomplished, and lie to their descendants, making them think that their ancestors were nothing but slaves. The reason I chose this as my pivotal moment was because many people do not know of this very wonderful and tragic story of the successful, business savvy, and intelligent ways of the black people.

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