Sammy's Struggle

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My story is much like Sammy in that I chose to stand up for someone; however, I do not do this out of desire for them as Sammy does. My siblings and I used to swim in a USA swim team that was very competitive and vicious about winning at nearly any cost. Once when my brother and I were swimming, my brother did an exercise incorrectly. My coach is not unlike Mr. Lengel “Then everybody's luck begins to run out. Lengel comes in from haggling with a truck full of cabbages on the lot and is about to scuttle into that door marked MANAGER behind which he hides all day when the girls touch his eye. Lengel's pretty dreary, teaches Sunday school and the rest, but he doesn't miss that much.”(Updike, n.pag.) In that she identifies every single mistake you make in a swim, however, unlike Mr. Lengel she becomes extremely angry. My brothers mistake was at the top of her black books, meaning that she hated it with every fiber of her being, She stomped right on over to his lane and just stood there waiting until he reached the side. When Mr. Lengel disapproves of something he gives his own signs, ...

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