Saint Lena Galgani: A Brief Story Of Saint Gemma

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Saint Gemma Galgani was born March 12, 1878, to Enrico and Aureliana Galgani. Saint Gemma was welcomed into a small, humble village on the outskirts of Lucca, Italy. The very next day, her parents took her to be baptized into the Catholic faith. Her parents gave the ripest the authority to name their child, and the priest bestowed upon her the name Gemma. His reasoning was that there was not a single saint of the name “Gemma” and it was only fitting the “Gem” of Christ had such a name. Throughout her early life, Saint Gemma fell in love with prayer. Her heart was on fire for love of Christ. Saint Gemma was slightly older when she was first confronted by God. He asked her to give Him her mother and, being the religious girl she was, she obliged. …show more content…

She became quiet and more prayerful than ever, which eventually prompted her father to send her to live under the care of a local nun. There, Saint Gemma lived for many years, praying and worshiping God. However, Saint Gemma contracted terminal spinal meningitis and returned home. While ill, she could only worry about how much trouble she caused for those who took care of her. She prayed to the Passionist Gabriel Possenti for guidance and she was soon healed. Since her poor health had prevented her from completing her journey to become a nun, she offered herself completely to God. She soon received stigmata, bleeding, open wounds in the places Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross. Through much prayer, Saint Gemma was healed after months of intense suffering. Saint Gemma lived the rest of her short life praying for the conversion of sinners and writing diaries, letters, and books. She died April 11, 1903, from tuberculosis. She died in the presence of her parish priest who later said, “She died with a smile which remained upon her lips so that I could not convince myself she was really

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