Safeguarding In A School Setting

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It is important that children and young people in a nursery, school, or college setting are protected from harm. It is the adults within the setting responsibility to ensure their welfare. They have a duty of care whilst children are at the setting. All staff and volunteers must be checked for suitability to work with children ( Criminal Records Bureau) before being allowed to work with in the school. By understanding and complying with policies and procedures and being trained in safeguarding and child protection staff can protect children from all types of harm. It also protects adults from allegations of harm or abuse if they comply with policy and procedure. Parents have reassurance that staff are trained and following procedure while their …show more content…

It states how adults should deal with any type of child abuse. It protects both staff and children. It states how incidents of abuse should be reported. Effective behaviour and discipline policies that adults follow protects children from being disciplined inappropriately. Pupils are taught the schools expected behaviours, (the non- negotiable). Children following the schools behaviour rules ensure they are safe at school. Procedures covering bullying protect all children within a school making the school a much happier, friendlier place for them. Adults in a school will occasionally have to make physical contact with a child. Policies such as restrictive physical intervention policy and intimate personal care policy clearly state the procedures for these types of contact. It protects both the child and the adult involved. Everything must be carried out with transparency and empathy. With adults and children now accessing social media sites and using the internet E safety policy and procedure and a social networking policy are in place to protect adults from difficult personal situations arising from social media. It protects adults from pupils contacting them on social media and also children accessing inappropriate sites on the internet whilst at …show more content…

They should be respectful, safe, fair and considerate. Children should not be bullied or humiliated. Adults should not befriend the children within the school as they are the adult. If a child must be disciplined the procedure must be followed so the child is treated fairly within the school guidelines. Pupils should always be be treated equally. Staff should not give or receive gifts from children. This can be seen as favourable discrimination. Relationships with children should always be professional. Children should only be touched when it is necessary for the pupils well being or safety. Arrangements to meet or communicate with pupils outside of school should not be made. This includes email, text or social media. Mobile phones should be stored away to prevent accusation of inappropriate use of them. For example taking photographs, video or using the internet. Staff should not place themselves in vulnerable position. Individual work should be carried out in sight of other adults, with the door open or in a communal area. Staff must ensure their class room or the area they are working with children is safe. This also includes considering the safety of the activity and preventable hazards that might occur. If photographs are taken of an activity the images are for school use only. If photographs are taken from external use parental permission must be

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