Sacrifice In The Awakening

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In “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin, sacrifice is a central topic. Throughout the novel, Edna Pontellier, the protagonist, makes sacrifices in order to be an individual. Edna sacrifices her marriage and her entire family from her life, showing that she values independence. This sacrifice also helps to provide a deeper understanding of the theme of being an individual.

The action of sacrifice from Edna throughout “The Awakening” illuminates her appreciation for independence. Edna’s husband, Leonce, continuously put her lower than himself in situations, such as making money for the family and travelling around town. Leonce criticized her, claiming that she had no purpose in venturing to town during the night. Due to Leonce’s criticism and her understanding of it, Edna eventually began having affairs and left her entire family behind. Edna began speaking to a man named Robert Lebrun, and after he left for Mexico, she began a short-lived relationship with a man named Alceé Robin. Edna did this as an act of defiance and advancement for herself away from Leonce. Edna was foraging for independence in all her daily activities. Mrs. Pontellier even made the decision to incorporate her time painting in order to sell art to rent her own apartment so that she did not have to …show more content…

A theme that appears throughout “The Awakening” is that of self-importance. The title of the novel alone represents awakening as a person. Edna’s decisions were all carried out with self-importance in mind. From her having affairs and buying her own home, to travelling back to Grand Isle for one last swim, Edna’s entire journey in the novel was to be independent and to branch away from her husband and the expectations that society set in stone. Eventually, Edna found the way out and swam until she could no longer. Doing this showed that Edna valued herself over anyone and anything

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