Sabrina Rubin Erdey's 'School Of Hate'

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Conservatism in America Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s “School of Hate” is about a young girls experience growing up in a deeply conservative American state. Brittany Geldert has to endure the bullying that is unleashed upon her. No matter how traumatic the experience, it is ignored by the teachers. They betray Brittany by turning the other way on these issues. The wrong religious mindset appears to take paramount no matter how scandalous the ¨Bullying on LGBT¨ issues is in a modern day America. This is a great injustice to the people who have to endure this. Dexter Filkins’s “Atonement” this short story has its roots set in Las Vegas where a troubled veteran named Lu Lobello that made a traumatic …show more content…

But what she didn´t know was that she was caught in the crossfire of a culture war being waged be local evangelicals inspired by their high-profile congressional representative” this is comparable to the element in Filkins “Atonement”, “Lobello and his buddies were mobilized after the 9/11 attacks” Both pieces demonstrate the betrayal of the public’s trust in its government. One the conservatives enable the discrimination to take place against the youth. For not reason then being born with a different sexual orientation. Second the conservatives appear to exploit any tragic event into a form a profit, which relates back on the first issue of religious groups filling conservatives pockets with donations for their political campaigns.. There may be casualties on both side of the conflict. However as long as there is a profit to be made it can be ignored. Veterans are already victims, if they have any issues upon their return from the battlefield. It will be played down that it is not an issue no matter how high the body count. When a traumatized Veteran with PTSD or a Homosexual teenager that is victim of bullying commits suicide no one will care. They will just become a forgotten

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