Let's Really Reform Our Schools By Anita Garland

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Many individuals have been affected negatively by trouble makers in school. Troublemakers have either disrupted classes or bullied other students. Yes, trouble makers may harm one’s learning environment, but should they be kicked out of school? Though many individuals argue that troublemakers will not change and hold the class down, they should not be kicked out because they need help. Most of these kids that are disobedient do not know the distinction between right and wrong. We should not withdraw trouble makers from school, rather, we should help these troublemakers and teach them right from wrong. In the article “Let’s Really Reform Our Schools” by Anita Garland, she states that American high schools are disasters because there are troublemakers …show more content…

Garland asserts that these trouble makers are hindering educators instructing, scholars learning, and administrators maintaining (694), but she is wrong because many of these troublemakers do not know right from wrong and misbehave in class. When troublemakers do not know right from wrong, these individuals take these drugs that psychologically affect them. For example, I know this kid who went to my high school. I do not know his name but I remember seeing him around when I was a freshman. Four years later I am working at a market and he always comes and looks drugged out. I asked him how he had been since he got out of high school and he told me he never graduated. He stated that he got kicked out and went to a continuation school but going there made him worse. He was influenced by others and consumed drugs and drank alcohol. Every time I see him inside the market he looks as if he is talking to himself. Schizophrenia is a long term psychological effect that has affected him from taking drugs all these years. All these drugs have negatively affected this individual in the long run and there is no turn around. Once the damage is done it is …show more content…

Garland argues that when trouble makers are in school to bully others and if the school system withdraws troublemakers from school it will be a more peaceful environment (694). However, if the educational system withdraws these troublemakers from schools, not just will it be a quiet learning environment, but also other individuals will not figure out how to negotiate successfully towards those troublemakers who are dissimilar to them. Environment. For instance, throughout high school my classroom learning environment had many troublemakers disrupting the classroom. Many of these troublemakers would ask me to let them copy my homework. I would negotiate with the troublemakers by asking them to not bother me or the teacher during the class session. I also charged 1 dollar per homework copied and by the end of the week I had received around twenty dollars. Negotiating with these kids has made me learn more techniques of persuasion and think like a business

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